StateGo has became open source. Go Github
2022/5/22 Opened sources on Github.
2021/5/30 Relased Beta 14.
2020/12/14 Relased Beta 13.
2020/11/4 Relased Beta 12.
2020/9/2 Unity SimpleAnimation StateGo Sample renewal.
2020/8/14 Both Haxe starter kit and sample have been released..
2020/8/12 Relased Beta 11. Upadted usage guide.
2020/7/25 Added Unity tutorial.
2020/7/24 Added "About using the latest starter kit". You can use the latest NASM,Ruby,Delphi,Python,Swift's starter kit.
What is StateGo?
StateGo is a visual programming tool that used mixed with source code, and can be used in various programming languages, platforms, frameworks.
What is different from general visual programming?
StateGo is clearly different from so-called general visual programming.
In general, visual programming allows you to program and execute simply by operating the graphic displayed on the monitor.
Many are made for beginners or non-specialist of programming.
Contrary StateGo requires at least knowledge of the programming language used.
Instead, it supports various programming languages and can be used on different platforms and frameworks.
There is one more difference.
It is said that general visual programming is difficult to adopt in actual development sites.
The reason is that even if it is a dedicated one, it cannot be used for other than its original purpose because its intended use is fixed.
For beginner type, there is no need to even talk about.
However, with StateGo, you can create "complex logic that is difficult for beginner-level visual programming.". You can use "visual programming that was only available in specialized fields".
Visual programming benefits become the real power for software development
StateGo is a visual programming that uses mixed source code.
This "mixing the source code" act may be a wicked way in general visual programming idea.
But even if it is a wicked way, if you can take advantage of the benefits of visual programming, it can give a surprising power to software development.
Followings are the benefits of visual programming:
- The processes can be created/moved/copied/deleted using the GUI and can be executed as they are.
- No need to code
- The design matches the source code until the end of the project
- Operation can be grasped at a glance
- As a result, maintenance is fast
- Fewer bugs
Only good things.
Until now, visual programming has been a closed environment that includes everything from creation to execution to give maximum help to beginners and specialists of different field. Therefore, it is believed that these benefits are the result of inclusion.
It has been about 2 years since I developed StateGo.
Now I am convinced that these benefits are the same in mixed source code visual programming, except that minimal coding is required.
Further benefits from code mix
Because StateGo is mixed with the source code, it has the more benefits to regular visual programming.
- Visual programming enables code editing.
- The input value is the source code itself, so you can understand the operation.
- You can debug with source code.
- Easy to link with conventional software assets.
- The separation of visual programming tools and development environment allows to deal dependency issues separately.
- The same tool can be used even if the programming language and framework are different.
- As a result, it becomes possible for all project members to grasp the flow
Code Mix Visual Programming StateGo is the shortest distance for programmers to benefit from visual programming.
In fact, that is the primary reason why I who 55 years old can act on the front line.
CodeMix Visual Programming StateGo will increase the programmer's ability to dramatically and enable more advanced programming.
※The followings are concrete and easy-to-understand explanation of code mix and visual programming StateGo.
Design for the process flow
StrateGo is a tool to design the "processing flow".
Same as the flow chart, describe the step of process step by step.
Program them simply
A box for processing is called “state”.
Write the program in the state.
The program stored in the “state” is relocated by the template and changed into an executable program.
Supports all programming languages
By changing the template, it can be applied to any programming language.
The programming languages that StateGo has enabled visual programming are as follows.
Typescript(Anguler), Bash, C, C++, C#, C#(Unity), VBA(Excel), Javascript, Python, Rust, Tyranoscript, Visaul Basic, Win-bat, Delphi, Swift, PHP